
Conjunctions connect words, phrases or sentences. The two types of conjunctions are co-ordinating and subordinating.

Co-ordinating Conjunctions

  • and
  • or
  • but
  • nor
  • yet
  • for
  • so



A phrase is a group of words that gives a brief information. It contains a subject or a verb but not both.


A sentence contains a verb and a subject. It starts with a capital letter and ends with a full stop.

Subordinating Conjunctions

A subordinating conjuction connects a sentence with more information. A subordinate conjunction comes at the front of a subordinate clause.

A subordinate clause (dependent) contains a subject and a verb but does not make any sense on its own. It has to be connected to a main clause (independent) to make sense.


subordinate clause - before she left home

main clause - Jane cooked the dinner.

main clause plus subordinate clause -Jane cooked the dinner before she left home.

The subordinate clause does not make any sense on its own but when connected to the main clause it makes more sense. Before is the subordinate conjunction that connects the subordinate clause with the main clause.

The table below shows some subordinate conjunctions.

Subordinate Conjunctions
unless when whenever than before because although
however since once after as untilwhile

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